+ Dirty Blonde
April 29-May 14, 2011
Written by Claudia Shear
Directed by Frank Gaffney
Anthony Carregal, Mario Fuentes & Melinda Zupaniotis
+ Pippi Longstocking
June 10-19, 2011
Based on the book series by Astrid Lindgren
Adapted & Directed by Joe Guttadauro
Choreographed by Renee Kaminsky
Grace Bustell, Breanna Rose Calle, Elaybe Cassara, Jaelle Cassara, Matt Criscuolo, Holly Diomede, Jackson Gallati, Margaret Kozlark, Shay Lynn LaRusso, Ari Lipper, Bari Lipper, Erin Maher, Cooper ROthman, Sarah Smegal, Dainelle Testori-Gartner
+ Brilliant Broadway
June 15 & 24, 2012
Starring Terry Eldh
With Dan Ringuette on piano & Noah Hoffeld on cello
+ POSEIDON! An Upside-Down Musical
September 9-24, 2011
Book & Lyrics by David Cerda with CHery Snodgrass
Music by David Cerda & Scott Lamberty
Directed by Joel Fenster
Musical direction by Jamie Caporizo
Choreographed by Lauren Nicole Sherwood
Produced by Frank Gaffney & Anthony Carregal
Matthew Blank, Jamie Caporizo, Anthony Carregal, Tim Cronin, Larry Diomede, Natasha Fenster, Eddie Furth, Frank Gaffney, Larry Greeley, Kristen Habacht, Marc Hartog, Jordan Michael Hensley, Steven Kelly, Dom Lettera, Ruth Lettera, Jean Marie McCormick, Glenn Packman, Christina Richardson, Candice Sisbarro, Dainelle Testori-Gartner, & Bill Warncke
+ The Fantasticks
October 14-29, 2011
Music by Harvey Schmidt
Lyrics by Tom Jones
Choreographed & Directed by Lauren Nicole Sherwood
Musical Direction by Dan Ringuette
Tom Butterworth, Brendan George, Joe Guttadauro, Liz Harrington, Marc Hartog, Will Jeffries, Rich Levitt, & Lou Ursone